• 24 апреля 2018, вторник
  • Пермь, ул. Студенческая, д. 38

The lecture «Consumption, fashion and markets» by Jukka O. Gronow, University of Helsinki

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Неделя социологии моды в пермской Вышке
2186 дней назад
24 апреля 2018 c 18:30 до 20:00
ул. Студенческая, д. 38

Modern consumption would be completely impossible to understand without fashion. Working language – English

As an object of study, fashion has for a long time suffered from its frivolous reputation. The almost mystical process of collective selection, or collective taste formation, that lies behind fashion has not been easy to grasp either. To say that it, somehow, reflects the Zeitgeist does not help much. Fashion is, however, an extremely interesting and important social phenomenon. Modern consumption would be completely impossible to understand without fashion. In addition to analyzing the social formation of fashion, I shall take up under closer scrutiny the role of fashion in modernity; the question of the extension of fashion — in which fields it does and can operate; how it helps to solve the principal problem of quality uncertainty that ‘plagues’ the markets of cultural goods and services; and its relation to the aesthetization of the everyday life.


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